Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Batman Strikes!

So after a year and a half of interning on the Batman Strikes! (I fill in the blacks with ink and an occasional panel border)! I finally have my name on a billboard on page 7 of issue 47.......booooooyaaaaahh!!! Yeah I know it's not really a big deal, but come on it's kind of cool. Special thanks goes out to Chris Jones and my teacher Terry Beatty.


Metzgarob said...

whoa... when does this issue ship? July?

Pugster... said...

I just noticed the Josh about it... I was all happy that it was only going to be Eddings... Blah on the whole name! Guess I can't buy it and frame it!

Josh Eddings said...

It's technically the September issue. So I guess that makes it ship in August....I think.