Some examples of the sketch cards I'll be selling at Fallcon. They took longer than I expected, I thought I could just bang 'em out real quick, but I ended up getting to involved in them. I do like how they came out and they were kinda fun to do.
My pencils for a print for Fallcon. So it looks like there are going to be two variations of this now, one with a different Hal (and Kilowog in the background), with those two drawn and inked by Anthony Hary. The 0ther print is of the pencils shown here, which will be inked by Doug Mahnke. Both will be available at Doug's table at Fallcon, Oct 10th and 11th.
So in issue 39 of Green Lantern Corp I make a cameo appearence. I'm the Daxamite next to Arisia with the poor taste in facial hair (she's totally checking out my comic self with a sideways glance!). As always, thank you Pat, Doug, and Tom.
Last night I helped Tom on his upcoming instructional book. I got to work on some pinups and various other drawings. This is the pinup that is going to be used, I layed it out, Tom tightened it up (didn't have to change much at all he said) and Jon Alderink colored it. So it gets to be in the book with all our signatures on it......YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
So this was an interesting piece. It went fairly quickly and I'm happy with it. Got a little layout help from Pat and Doug wasn't drawing anything at the moment so he asked if I wanted him to ink, hell yes! He stayed pretty faithful to my lines and embellished only a little bit. I took it to Tom Nguyen's house to scan and he added a bit of feathering to Cloak's hands, so all in all, this piece is my own little "Green Lantern" artists jam on Marvel characters...